The Mustang Challenge 2025
The richest national mustang championship competition.
July, 2025 Las Vegas, NV
South Point Arena
Chris Phillips & WFR Sin City Sister / 2024 Mustang Challenge Champion
Mustang trainer extraordinaire, multi-time competitor, champion and enthusiast.
‘Photo by Ronda Gregorio.
The goal of The Mustang Challenge is to showcase the skill and adaptability of the American mustang and the talented trainers that work with them in the Western discipline. The event will provide the public an opportunity to witness a mustang that has been given a foundation for success on its journey from government holding to private ownership.
The Mustang Challenge is open to exhibitors (ages 18 and older) that have adopted or purchased a BLM mustang between October 1, 2024 and April 15, 2025. Exhibitors must adopt or purchase their mustang from approved BLM Wild Horse & Burro facilities, approved satellite events, the Wild Horse & Burro Online Corral or any approved facility. All mustangs should be registered with Mustang Champions after adoption or purchase. As an exhibitor you will be able to compete with up to two mustangs. You do not need to be the adopter or owner of the mustang to compete. All exhibitors must complete the Mustang Trainer Readiness Curriculum prior to entering the Mustang Challenge completion. All exhibitors must show proof of pre-Challenge show competition experience prior to the Challenge competition July 10-12, 2025.
$125,000 in total cash and prizes.
Preliminary Classes I Thursday & Friday, July 10 & 11
The event will have three preliminary classes: trail, reining and ranch riding. The top 10 highest scoring exhibitors from the preliminary classes will compete in the Mustang Challenge Championship Finals for a grand prize of $50,000. The exhibitor is not required to be the adopter or owner of the mustang. An exhibitor may compete with up to two mustangs.
This class is intended to judge the horse on movements, mastery of a prescribed maneuver and attitude as it is guided through a series of patterns. The horse is required to perform a number of stops, spins, rollbacks, lead changes and circles at a lope. The mustang should be willing to be guided with little or no resistance.
This class is designed to show a horse's ability and willingness to perform several tasks that might be asked of it during the course of a normal trail ride. Exhibitors will be asked to lead and ride their horse through a course of obstacles and maneuvers, including but not limited to walk/trot/lope over poles, walking over a bridge, sidepass, serpentine, etc. Scoring is based on the horse’s willingness, ease and grace in negotiating the course.
Ranch Riding
This class measures a mustang's ability to be a pleasure to ride while being used to perform one ranch task to another. The horse and rider are asked to perform a pattern that includes but is not limited to changes of gait, extension of gait, crossing logs, lead changes, opening gate and picking up or dragging an object, etc. All maneuvers should be performed as if the horse were being used on a ranch, and the horse should demonstrate a high level of training, relaxation and quality of movement in all gaits.
Mustang Challenge Championship Finals I South Point Arena, Las Vegas
$50,000 to the Champion
Saturday night - 6pm, July 12
The top 10 performing mustang and exhibitor pairs from the preliminary classes will be invited to compete in the championship finals to determine the Mustang Challenge Champion. Scoring will be based on a compulsory maneuver score and a freestyle performance. The finals event is designed to encourage exhibitors to exhibit the athletic abilities of their mustang to the crowd in an exciting and appealing way. The exhibitor will have three and a half minutes to showcase their mustang through a creative display of choreographed maneuvers that entertain the crowd and demonstrate their horsemanship. The exhibitor will incorporate props, costumes, and music to demonstrate their skills and the talents of their mustang.